Saturday, February 19, 2011

I have been really wanting to blog about something that happened back in December. I want to call it Joey is Growing up, or Joey's big week-end. It is a bittersweet thing when your kids start growing up. I guess it is probably more-so with Joey because he is my baby....but wow.

It all started with several weeks of grueling karate boot camps. Now, I know that karate boot camp isn't really boot camp but for a nearly twelve year old to get up at 7am on a Saturday morning for six weeks in a row and run, push, kick and etc for three and half hours is really grueling. Seriously. And for whomever gets to experience it with can be grueling too. But...we did it. He did it. I was really proud of him. It was his most difficult belt test up to this point. He is one away from earning his black belt. They were strict this time. They ran in the snow, ice and cold. They didn't cut them any slack. I think he appreciated this belt more because it was harder. He worked hard...he earned was his twelfth birthday.

The next day was Sunday and everyone came for his ordination. My little guy was made a deacon. Everyone came over after church for dinner. It is always my favorite thing to have Sunday dinner with family. No matter where we are, family dinner is my favorite. I am so grateful for a loving and supportive family. It was a big day.

After dinner we were sitting and visiting, as usual, when my daddy started telling a story about when he learned that Santa wasn't real. I wanted to die right then. It was too late. He was too far into the story when I realized what was going to happen. Joey got a sick look on his face. I did too. So I guess you figured it out. My sweet little Joey boy still believed in Santa. He has started asking lots more questions lately, but still, he believed. I know it is crazy...most kids know the truth by this age but Joey is a unique kid. I think because his next closest sibling is ten years older he is an interesting combination of youthful naivete and precocious maturity. He didn't say anything right away, but after everyone had left I was laying on the couch and a very somber Joey came close and asked, "Mom, Santa isn't real, is he?". I really felt sad. I opened my arms and he came and snuggled into me and instantaneous tears started fast and furious....his AND mine. We shared a tender time and as he was there crying I realized my little guy IS really growing up.

It is is easier to do Christmas when everyone knows the truth...but sheesh....I miss, really miss the magic. I was really worried how I would be able to get the things Joey might ask Santa for...that problem was solved...

I'm proud of my kids. They are all really cool people that I would love for friends even if they weren't my kids. They help me so much! They teach me so much! They are unique, interesting, intelligent and funny. They all really pitch in and help and I am so grateful for them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

See....lookie here....I am getting caught up! I just need to get the pictures attached and I will be set!

This month I, once again, have been posting everyday the things I am grateful for and it has been awesome to contemplate all the countless blessing I enjoy in my life, none of which I am deserving of.

So....since it is the month of Thanksgiving and I am in the mode...I want to discuss these more at length.

1. I am so incredibly grateful to be alive. I am grateful to parents who made me what I am. I am grateful for ancestors and what they endured so that I could be born where and what I am. I am grateful for the amazing childhood I had and for the beauties of my life and experiences. I am grateful to be healthy, to be able to see, hear, feel and experience all of God's creations. I am grateful to be able to run, dance, skip and sing (well, sort of...haha)

2. I am grateful to know of the true and living Savior. I am grateful for His love and mercy and for His sacrifice for me. I am grateful to know of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessing that is in my life. I am grateful for the prophet, Joseph Smith and for his tremendous sacrifice in restoring the Gospel to the Earth and for his translation of the Book of Mormon, which has been a blessing in my life. I am grateful for all the prophets, leaders, and all who work in the church for their efforts in my life and the life of my children. I am grateful to have had so many examples of true Christian behavior in my life, both in and out of the church, and in and out of my family circle. I am grateful for the peace the Gospel brings into my life. I can't imagine my life without the knowledge and assurance I have.

3. I am grateful to be a mother. What was the Lord thinking to bless my life with four of the most amazing spirits I can imagine? I am so grateful for each one of them. They are all so unique. They are all so different. I love them so much as people. They are interesting and talented. I love them as my children. I am grateful for what they teach me. They inspire me. They have aspects of their character that I am so impressed by...I don't know how they all developed this deep sense of gratitude but I am so grateful for it. It is so heartwarming to have Joey come in spontaneous and thank me for all the things I do for him...out of the blue...on an ordinary day. Russ will always tell me I look pretty or that my hair is amazing. I love the way they are living their lives, even when I might not agree with their choices they are learning and growing and I love hanging out with them.

I love watching Christina and Cliff and their growing family. They have a lot of struggles but seem to do so well together. I am so grateful they have given me my start on the wonder and blessing of grand babies! Christina is always so willing to drop everything and help me out with Joey or whatever. She is one of the most giving people I know. She is so talented too!

Russ is such a sweetie. He will keep me up late talking and I like to harass him about it but I love that we can talk and I love his wise and loving nature. He is a peacemaker. I love hearing about what he is reading or worrying about. I love his take on who I am dating or what is going on in the rest of my world. He is a good sounding board.

Kyle amazes me with his drive to do and be the best at whatever he does. He has so many abilities and talents it hardly seems fair. He is my "get-it-done" kid. He is my one and only 'red' personality and we are grateful that someone has enough of that to get things done. He is an achiever. I love how he sets his goals and puts them everywhere to remind himself. He has an energy that I miss when he isn't around.

Joey is such a unique person. I think that growing up and hanging up with older siblings and people has given him a mature sense of humor, and a unique set of interests...but still he is not quite twelve and he has a innocence and naivete that I really, really love. He is my huggy and my snuggy, my bestest traveling companion and my reminder of all that is good and right with the world. I love just being in the same room with him.

All of the kids bring something unique and wonderful to my life. I love them to distraction and can't imagine anything I like better than being together with them. I am SO grateful for them, for their lives, for all they teach me, sacrifice for me and bring into my world.

3. I am grateful for my extended family....also very unique and different, but all so beautiful in their individual ways. They all have a generosity of spirit and are so accepting and gracious. I am a burden to endure and they manage it so well. My parents are two of the most amazing people I know and I can't express enough my gratitude for what they taught me in word and deed, or the bliss that I call my childhood. They loved me and loved each other and I think there is no greater gift. I am so grateful to them both for their wiliness to keep it together for family things so we can enjoy them both.

4. I am grateful for a profession that I find so rewarding. I am grateful for the people I meet, the miracles I witness and for all I learn. I would do it for free, but I am grateful to get paid. I am grateful that even with the numerous set-backs, that I can still, somewhat, support my family.

5. I am grateful for all my friends...they are found among those I work with, my family, my ward, and in various other places. They all have a beauty that comes from their spirit and heart. I am sure they are unaware of the times they have inspired or buoyed me up. I love them so much, and really appreciate what they bring to my life.

6. I am grateful for the earth, for it's peoples and for the countless fascinating things there are to discover. I am grateful to live in a place that constantly causes me to stare in amazement and to have a house that feels cozy and warm to me.

7. I am grateful for the gym, sleep, quilt shops, yoga classes, great food and down pillows. I am grateful for generous people, cool cars, awesome guns, the ocean, and old people (like me ;-)). I am grateful for spicy food, chocolate, sisters and seat warmers. I am grateful for facebook, camera phones, watching Joey at Karate, and soldiers. I am thankful for the History channel, hymns, music in general and really funny people. I am grateful for office supplies, Sunday dinners, yummy men, and the Constitution. I am thankful for affection, great books and You Tube. I love all the kids in the bed together, missionaries, and girl lunch. I appreciate old photos, cute couples, and baby feet.

How is that for a start? What are you grateful for?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joseph William Russell--I guess this is as good a place as any to talk about my summer with Joey and his fitness as traveling companion extrodinaire.

I love to travel. I love people and culture and history and YES...I just love it all! But....sometimes it is long between places...sometimes there are lines and heat and cold and humidity and disappointments. Sometimes it is long between meals and far between potty stops. But if you are going to go through all that, you want to be with someone like Joey. He is the bestest traveling buddy. He never complained. He didn't ever ask how much farther. He was interested in everything. He was patient. He walked a million miles from sun up to way after sun down. He never gave me grief in the morning, or really, at any other time. There were many times that I complained, whimpered or whined...but not Joey. How did he get like that? I have so much fun with him. He teaches and inspires me. He makes me wish I could afford to experience more of the world with him. He is always so incredibly grateful for everything. He is always thanking me profusely for the most ordinary of things that so many people take for granted. At the war memorials I wondered where he had learned to reverence such things. If I ever need a good cry, I don't need a chick-flick, I just need to think about the incredible blessing of this, my youngest child, and I am undone. Thanks be to God for the privilege of being his mother and being able to experience so much through his eyes.
Our last trip of the summer was to Washington, D.C., for the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally. Again I planned and schemed to use my points and do things as inexpensively as possible, and I think it was really unbelievable the trip we were able to have on the money we spent. It was really a great time and I will ever be grateful that we did it.

Our room was really, really beautiful and it is a shame that we didn't get to spend more time in it but we packed so much into the trip that lounging in the room was an impossibility!

Joey really thought we should leave really early Saturday morning so that we wouldn't have trouble getting to the Rally in time. I was a little skeptical of leaving that early but it is really lucky that we did as he suggested because it was insane!! We drove the rental to the metro stop that is furthest out. I don't know what the people did that were at the other stops because the whole metro was completely packed at the first stop that no one else could get on.

While the whole trip was very educational, we learned one thing while doing the "sardine" thing... Joey is a bit claustraphobic...well...perhaps it was because, while tall for his age, he is still not as tall as the people crammed in with us on the metro, in the station, or at the rally...thus I think his share of the available oxygen was severely limited. I think that was more of the problem than a real psychological issue from just being squished in. Anyway...when we got to the Foggy Bottom stop we all got off...I was going to say, we all poured off, but there was no pouring involved at all! There were more people in the station than I have seen in one place in my life! Because they were all there for the rally, they were the most polite, cheerful and wonderful sort of folks you would want to associate with but still, Joey was in need of some Oxygen. Joey had his cell phone on him and so I told him to squeeze his little person in and out and try to get to the air as quick as he could and wait for me at the exit. He did his in and out thing and eventually surfaced in the fresh air and recovered while waiting for me to surface some time later.

We walked to the Lincoln Memorial and marvelled at the lack of standing room (seriously) anywhere close to the mall or any one of the jumbo-trons set up along the reflecting pool. We finally found a place to stand and settled in for the show. It was really entertaining to see the incredible crowds of people all there with a single purpose. There was massive amounts of people...really a lot...did I say MASS amounts? Wow. The cool thing was how nice everyone was. There was about every variety of folks there but everyone really nice and considerate. At one point Joey got really hot and tired (on top of being perpetually short of the O2 thing). He sat down by my feet. The nice people around us got water for him and were so kind. Later in the program an older lady started to have an issue with the heat as well. Numerous people stepped in to help her and get her out to safety.

The program was really amazing. It was inspiring, uplifting, and beautiful. The four hours went by so quickly despite the heat, humidity and crowds. It was so cool to be there with so much diversity, but still bonded with so much commonality. I'm so glad we went.

After the rally as the people were dispersing, I was amazed at how clean everything was. The garbage were over-full, but the overages were all contained around the garbage cans. The lawns and sidewalks were clean. It was really cool.

Joey wanted to see all the war memorials. I hadn't talked to him about them but he was amazing to watch. We first stopped at the Viet Nam memorial. He was so reverent. He walked along quietly looking at all the names. Sometimes there would be pictures or cards stacked next to the wall and he would bend and reverently look at the pictures. I wanted to cry. His awe and reverence really touched me. On the way to the Smithsonian we also saw the new WWII memorial which is really stunning. We found the wreath for Utah and got a picture. After the Smithsonian we found the Korean War Memorial...finally...Joey was sure we was worth the hunting and is really something else. The pictures don't do it is a real work of art.

We spent many hours in the American History museum. What a fun and interesting place. We could have probably spent a couple of days there. Joey had more stamina than I did and he had to leave me on a bench a couple of times and come back for me.

After the Smithsonian we walked back down the mall and after finally finding the Korean War memorial we finally got to the Lincoln Memorial. It is something that must be experienced in person. You can't believe the spirit that is there. As we were walking up the steps I just started to cry... (I don't think it was my aching feed and back either). There was a tour starting as we arrived inside and the lady park ranger told us so many incredible and fascinating things about the memorial, the materials and the man it memorialized. Joey was mesmerized.

We drug ourselves back to the metro station and marveled at the difference without the mobs of people. We got on and sat down (yes, I did say SAT down). Joey leaned on my shoulder and was fast asleep before we hit the next station. He did hit his second wind by the time we were back to the room and ended up being up much later than I was....but I can't say how late cause I was sound asleep.

The next morning we went to Mount Vernon. Who would have thunk it? It was a great day! We went on a cruise down the Potomac and toured the house and buildings. We learned a lot. We went through the visitors centers and watched all the would love to go back! We got back to town quite late, but so much to do and see! We went to the Jefferson Memorial and because of our great experience with the Park Rangers, we waited for the tour. It was a fun day and we got back to our room again very late and very tired.

Our last day we went to Monticello. They have done a lot at Monticello and we were the happy beneficiaries of all of the fascinating things to learn and experience there. We thought we might get a chance to stop at Montpelier as well but alas, we drove straight to the airport with no time to spare. So many other things we would have loved to see and to do (we missed the tomb of the unknown soldier too, much to Joey's dismay) but for the time we had, we did a lot, and really enjoyed ourselves. Oh...and don't ask Joey about the toll roads...oops! We don't have those in Utah!
I started to get a little panicked as the summer was going on because I didn't want another summer to go by without a Montana trip. I started looking at my work schedule and Joey's school schedule and realized that if we didn't wasn't going to happen. I was feeling sad too, because I realized that all the kids had been to Glacier, but Joey hadn't ever been. So....we planned a quick trip.

My cousin, Mark, and his darling wife Debbe were so gracious and generous and let us stay with them. They not only bed us and fed us, but they entertained us AND let us take the Sky to the park! It was a completely amazing trip and we couldn't have been more grateful for their hospitality.

We went to Whitefish to the Huckleberry Festival, we went to Moose's (?) for pizza, we had awesome therapy sessions, and we got to see Glacier and Waterton Parks. On the way home I took Joey the scenic route, and we stopped close to Grandma and Grandpa Russell's place on Flathead Lake and took some pictures and oohed and ahhed over the grandeur and beauty of the place that will ever be in my heart.
Our next two summer trips were Basque festival trips. First we went to Elko for the fourth of July thing and then to Boise for Jaialdi a few weeks later.

Elko is so fun because we get to eat at the Star, and we LOVE their food. It is always worth the wait! Their fireworks are amazing and Diane always gets us an amazing table for the night of the fireworks. Joey participated in their first ever "Run with the sheep", which was a riot. Tom of course was amazing and blew everyone out of the water with his feats of strength.

Jaialdi is only held every five years in Boise and we were really looking forward to our second trip there. We got a really nice room which was close to the fairgrounds and really close to the Greenbelt. They have this amazing trail system in Boise...I think it was something like seventeen miles of trail that ran along the river and we had a lovely walk every morning. It was also close to Joe's Crab Shack. Joey and Elijah fell in love with the Crab Shack and would have eaten every meal there if they could. As it was, we ate there two nights and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

The second morning when we went on our walk we got a little adventurous and got ourselves lost. It was really funny. We eventually realized that we had somehow crossed to the other side of the river and had way over-shot the hotel. We were gone much longer than planned but the boys didn't notice. If you are going to get lost it was a really cool and beautiful place to wander aimlessly.

Lots of dancing and games...good food and Paella! We had a really fun trip. We were sad that Diane and Tom couldn't come, but Joey loves it when Elijah gets to come!

Promises, Promises...I promised Russ that I would get better at the here goes...

Unfortunately I have a lot of catching up to do...I had a busy summer...lots of glad we did it cause who knows if we will ever be able to afford to do it again?!

I really wanted to plan a fun trip with Joey because I didn't want the summer to go by without something memorable and fun. I had quite a few points that I wanted to use and I needed to do it cheap. I was looking at all-inclusives and cruises and found some pretty fabulous deals. Finally after a lot of research I found a cruise out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Grand Cayman and Cozumel. It was a real deal and seemed like it would be the perfect trip for Joey and me. As I was planning the trip I wondered if I could maybe get a Disneyworld deal also, since we would be in the neighborhood ;-) I searched around and found a deal on that also and got so excited about it that I told my cute sisters about it and coerced them into joining us for that part of the trip.

So....Joey and I did the red-eye to Long Beach and the redder eye to Fort Lauderdale. We got to Ft. Lauderdale too early to go to the ship so we rented a car and had breakfast, napped, and hung out at Borders until it was time.

Our dinner table companions were really fun people and we enjoyed them a LOT. We loved their southern accents and their friendly banter. They were kind and generous to us both. It was my intention to keep in touch with them better than we have.

Joey loved the ship, our room, the staff, and THE POOL!!! He had a really good time swimming and playing in the pool. He made lots of friends and ate well.

Our first stop was in Grand Cayman. We wanted to do one of two excursions but because of poor planning :-( We couldn't do either. We looked in all the little shops and then found a museum. Joey was really interested in that (and it was cool inside) so we spent some time there learning about the history of the place and lots about the people and the island.

In Cozumel we planned an excursion to the ruins at Tulum. Both Joey and I LOVED this place. It honestly was so amazing. It was in such a beautiful setting and so completely fascinating! It is one of my favorite places in the world. We had a really, really fun and interesting tour guide who told us lots about everything. We got to wander around the ruins and explore after he told us about the place and it was such fun.

When we got back to town we had ice cream and watched the people until it was time to meet our group. The bad part was how backed up the shuttle was to get to the ship and about a hundred passengers about missed our ship...oops! Luckily there was lots of us so they didn't leave us! We didn't have time to shower or get cleaned up so Joey and I went to dinner as we arrived and our companions were so charitable and didn't comment on our disheveled appearance or the stench coming from our side of the table ;-)

When we got back to Ft. Lauderdale we had a huge wait at the rental car place but eventually got a car and drove to Kissimmee/Orlando. We found our hotel...hmmm...what to say about about this....I grew up in Utah. I am not use to bugs the size of family pets. I will leave it at that. It was convenient and the price was right. Joey got really good at moving around without having to touch the ground (he was a bit freaked out as well).

When Sue, Diane, Tom and Elijah got there they had booked their rooms through Diane's Marriott points at a lovely resort. They didn't have any large pets in their rooms AND they had an amazing chef in tow! We spent a couple of nights there being pampered and spoiled.

The first morning I had to go to a time-share sales pitch to get our "cheap" Disney tickets. We went to a terrific water park and had a perfectly amazing time. It would sprinkle once in a while but it was just lovely.

One of the highlights of the trip was our day at Discovery Cove. It is an all-inclusive place that is operated by the SeaWorld people. It is an amazing place and I hope I will be able to go again sometime in my life. Diane found out about it when doing her research for the trip and she got our reservations. It was from start to finish a really special experience. The people were so nice and helpful. It was clean and beautiful. They limit the number of people each day so it wasn't overcrowded at all. The food was delicious and snacks abundant. The boys loved it all. They had an aviary where we fed the birds and the birds would come sit on us (and poop in MY hair). They had cold water places and warm water places. It was really a blast. At first, Joey and Elijah weren't too hip on the cold water places even with the wet suits but eventually they were in playing with the Manta rays and loving it. Diane arranged for us to swim with the dolphins and they had a neat program for doing that. I really can't think of a single thing they could do to make their place a better experience. Kudos to Diane for her generosity and her sleuthing skills to find it!!

The next day we did the Magic Kingdom and the last day Joey and I did Epcot and the rest of the group did the Animal Kingdom. Too bad we didn't have a bit more time because there was really SO much to see and do but it was a really, really cool trip!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to move the pictures around....I haven't figured it out yet...he he he..
I need some remedial blogger assistance! Help!
 embarassing! I guess I am proving that I really am NOT a much has happened since my last posts...I am pretty good at facebook...but I love reading blogs...I really are a few updates...

Kyle is in San Antonio, TX. He joined the Army National Guard and went to Fort Sill Ok for basic training and then on to AIT for his surgical assistant training...he is hoping to go to Hawaii to finish up...we will see. He is the Platoon Guide for a large platoon and is trying to do a good job. He is also on the combatives team. I flew to Oklahoma for his graduation and was able to spend a few days with him and had a great time.

Russ is working at UVRMC and helping out a lot with Joey. He is teaching sunday school to the teenagers...ha ha ha...

Joey is working on getting his black belt and still going to American Legacy Academy in American Fork.

Christina and Cliff bought a darling home in Lehi and moved in October. We miss them so much, but are so happy for them to have their own place. We love having them visit and wish they would let us babysit more.

I am still in the Women's Center at Alta View in Sandy...and doing nights...uggghhh....but I am grateful to have a job and one that works around Joey's schedule. I work in the Relief Society at church and have enjoyed the ladies very much. I have had a few interesting dating experiences since last post...but I met someone that I really like...he unfortunately is in New Mexico....I don't like the long distance thing...I am going next weekend for a visit...yippee!

We are so blessed. I am so pleased with my children and what wonderful people they are. I love my extended family and the love and support they show me...mostly I love and am grateful to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...for his love and sacrifice for me. Life is good....

Monday, March 02, 2009

I had a fun weekend trip to Pleasanton, California. On Saturday the weather was nice enough we went on the motorcycle to Half Moon Bay where we walked on the beach and had a great lunch at a cute little diner. After we got home it rained a nice that we were able to enjoy a very picturesque outing before all of that.

It was Brad's Stake Conference and that was great too!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

We finally found a house. It's not too far from where we live now. It will be our third place in this neighborhood, but it will be in a new ward...actually it is our old ward (before we were divided). It has never been lived in and FINALLY we will be really buying it. We aren't looking forward to moving again...but this should be our LAST move.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I talked the kids into dressing in matching shirts for our annual family photo for the Christmas Card...can you believe I can still talk them into it?
I've not been very good at the blogging thing but I really love reading those of I keep trying.
Here's the update...
Christina and husband, Cliff, along with their beautiful daughter are still living with me. So with Russ and Joey (and Kyle also coming to visit frequently) I just feel so blessed to have them all so close. It is so awesome for me to see them grow and progress in their individual lives.
Since it is Thanksgiving I must say how grateful I am for wonderful, talented, beautiful and loving children. They have all been such a help and support for me.
Okay, from top to bottom...Christina is working hard at home. She cooks and cleans and chases Haylie...she takes such good care of all of us. Cliff is working at Fugal's in Pleasant Grove though they send him all over and to surrounding states (which Christina hates!). Haylie is the most fun. I have heard people say that Grandkids are the best but you just don't know till you have is so true! She is so busy like Christina was. She can crawl so fast...and loves to make us chase her as she heads for the stairs. She is starting to walk and can make us laugh so easily. I am so lucky to see her everyday.
We are so happy to have Russ home from his mission in Spain. He has stayed pretty busy since getting back. We have all been amazed at how long it takes the Army to do ANYTHING! He needed to get "in-processed" so he can return to his reserve duties. His Medic license expired while he was gone so he has really been trying to get things going. He finally got tired of waiting for the Army to get their paperwork done and took a job at AT&T's call center. He really wants to get a hospital job and is anxious to get his stuff renewed so he can follow his passion. He missed the deadline for fall semester so he will start his pre-med stuff in January. He is still thinking he wants to go to medical school and maybe do Pediatrics. He has been on a few dates but has sworn off blind dates forever...ha is so fun having him home....
Kyle is really busy. He is doing pre-med at UVU. He is working as a Surgical Tech at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray. He also doesn't want anyone to know that he is doing some modeling as well. I guess they don't care how long his hair gets ;-). He is smart and talented and we love having him around. He has been dating Mandi Saxton for two and a half years now. Kyle is planning on Medical School too and is thinking of Anesthesia. He is also toying with the idea of doing the military route.
Joey is everyone's little buddy. He is going to a new private school this year and he loves it. He is doing really well. He stays really busy too with Karate twice a week and Scouts. He is getting really good at Karate and will have his Brown belt in a few weeks and plans on having his Black belt in about a year. I'll post some more pictures soon.
I am working at Alta View Women's center doing nights again. I still love what I do but am really tired of the night shifts....I would like to do fewer...or maybe take a leave to get my body and mind back into shape...but can't figure out how to do all of that. I really feel like I am blessed beyond what I deserve certainly. Like I said I have wonderful kids but I also have the most wonderful and supportive extended family! I honestly treasure my family more than almost anything in the world. We try to do "girl lunch" fairly regularly. It is a good time to catch up on what is going on with everyone. We also spend a bunch of Sunday's at Dad and Donna's for dinner or at Joe and Sue's for bar-b-que. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate all of their love and support. I am teaching Sunbeams at church...hmmm...they are honestly...I love them. They say the funniest things. I am always looking for a man cause believe it or not....I still like them....ha ha. I have been trying to work on my Basque family history when I get a chance...this has been really addicting....I have been known to stay up half the night chasing some clues.
Okay I guess that is about our year...hope you are all well and happy too!