Saturday, February 06, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to move the pictures around....I haven't figured it out yet...he he he..
I need some remedial blogger assistance! Help!
 embarassing! I guess I am proving that I really am NOT a much has happened since my last posts...I am pretty good at facebook...but I love reading blogs...I really are a few updates...

Kyle is in San Antonio, TX. He joined the Army National Guard and went to Fort Sill Ok for basic training and then on to AIT for his surgical assistant training...he is hoping to go to Hawaii to finish up...we will see. He is the Platoon Guide for a large platoon and is trying to do a good job. He is also on the combatives team. I flew to Oklahoma for his graduation and was able to spend a few days with him and had a great time.

Russ is working at UVRMC and helping out a lot with Joey. He is teaching sunday school to the teenagers...ha ha ha...

Joey is working on getting his black belt and still going to American Legacy Academy in American Fork.

Christina and Cliff bought a darling home in Lehi and moved in October. We miss them so much, but are so happy for them to have their own place. We love having them visit and wish they would let us babysit more.

I am still in the Women's Center at Alta View in Sandy...and doing nights...uggghhh....but I am grateful to have a job and one that works around Joey's schedule. I work in the Relief Society at church and have enjoyed the ladies very much. I have had a few interesting dating experiences since last post...but I met someone that I really like...he unfortunately is in New Mexico....I don't like the long distance thing...I am going next weekend for a visit...yippee!

We are so blessed. I am so pleased with my children and what wonderful people they are. I love my extended family and the love and support they show me...mostly I love and am grateful to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...for his love and sacrifice for me. Life is good....